Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Libyan crisis: a new uncalculated adventure?

Once upon a time, the United Nations decided to impose a no fly zone over Libya.

This is how the new chapter of the imperialism adventure has started in the 17th of March, opening the cursed book of military intervention once again amid international controversies and disagreements.

The scenario, far from being something new for the audience, still had a huge impact on the public opinion which once again was fooled by pointless arguments and baseless assumptions.

The same administrations which led the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan are now planning for a new crusade, without any consideration for the negative impact and disastrous outcome of their previous decisions.
“We are there to protect civilians and kick out dictatorship. We will bring democracy and Human Rights to the oppressed population”, the only thing they omitted to mention is that the democracy they brought to Afghanistan and Iraq had a totally different interpretation in the U.S dictionary which states:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Arab Uprising: Causes and Impacts

Following is an interactive and clear presentation on the causes and impacts of the Arab uprising.
The presentation can be used for educational or personal purposes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Constitutional reform in Morocco: Is it enough?

After the end of the tensions in Morocco and after the authorities received the warning handed out by Moroccan youth, be it through protests or through political activism, the response was quick and stunning.

Mohamed VI, who has been missing from the political scene since the beginning of the rise of the 20th February protests call, has made an important and unprecedented step by what is now commonly called the revolutionary speech of the King.

King Mohammed VI

Commented as the first time recently where the King has acted as a leader of the nation, the speech had a huge positive impact not only in the national scene where a good response was issued by both the organizers of the 20th February protests and their opponents, but also globally where the international community applauded the genuine and realistic approach the king led in dealing with the demands of the people.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What after the 20th February protests?

The 20th February protests are now part of something commonly called ‘the past’, yet, we shouldn’t believe that with the end of the unrest, all the claims and appeals made during that day are to be forgotten.

Even though being criticized –and I was one of those who affirmed their partial refusal to the protests in my previous post- and widely accused of treason and anarchy, the lessons to grab from these recent events are valuable and raise to the level of national security concerns.

The people, even if they did not agree upon the way to demonstrate their disapproval of the country’s management, are all standing in the same front line when it comes to the necessity of taking action and imposing reforms on a falling government led by several imperialistic families.

A change is needed and there is no way to fool people  with empty promises of a better future because the first and last warning has been issued by all Moroccans in a common call for social justice and government’s organs reorganization.